what going on?

Slayers - S1: Episode 7


Give Up! But, Just Before We Do, the Sure Kill Sword Appears!

Rezo calls for Zorom, of the Monster race for his help to get the stone, as well as to kill the traitor.

Lina and Zelgadis wanders into a inhabitated town, where they are not so ambushed by Dilgear and severeal trolls, and other hidious creatures.

Lina manages to use her fireball to get some of them. Lina and Zelgadis seperate, as they try to take them on, but the only interested in Zelgadis as they chase him, not Lina.

Lina met her match as Zorom challeges her. After using her non sucessful fire ball against Zorom, Gourry comes to her rescure. Lina explains that no sword or magic will do good against Zorom, who is a pure bred monster, whose body is like a ghost.

Meanwhile with Zelgadis, he manages to kill all of the creatures and takes on Dilgear himself. Just before they fight, Zolf and Rodimus appears. Dilgear is happy, but he is unaware that Rodimus and Zolf loyality is with Zelgadis. Rodimus and Zolf kills Dilgear.

Gourry is pretty confident against Zorom, and calls forward

May. 19, 1995

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