Mobile Suit Gundam 00 - S1: Episode 23
The World Stopped
Nena Trinity mourns the death of her brothers. Meanwhile on the moon Alejandro Coroner becomes incresingly agitated by Aeolia Schenberg’s foresight. The crew of the Ptolemaios finish repairs to Dynames and pick up another GN Arms from its asteroid base within the Laragne 1 resource asteroid belt. The crew discuss the Trans-Am system, commenting how it provides a boost to performance, but only lasts a short time before the GN Drive must replenish the spent energy. Setsuna and Lasse make their way back to Ptolemaios and detect UN carrier ships heading to the Meisters’ location. Warned of the attack, Allelujah and Tieria deploy in their Gundams, but Lockon is prevented from leaving. The battle soon commences between the Gundams and GN-X along with Ali Al Sarchez in the Gundam Throne Zwei. Allelujah and Tieria activate their Trans-Am systems and quickly destroy numerous GN-X. However, they become overwhelmed when their Trans-Am systems power down. Relief appears in the form of Dynames docked with its GN Arms system. Lockon uses the weapons platform to destroy more GN-X and two of the carrier ships before it is destroyed by Ali. Lockon chases after Ali determined to avenge his dead family. Zwei and Dynames engage in a vicious battle and Ali manages to cripple Lockon’s Gundam. While Lockon makes Haro pilot the suit back to Ptolemaios, he exits the Gundam with his targeting rifle. Using an intact GN Cannon from his destroyed GN Arms, Lockon succeeds in destroying Zwei, but a shot from Zwei also damages the Cannon. As Lockon floats nearby he thinks about the world, its state and how he dilikes the current world. Holding his hand out to the world he questions those living on the Earth, if they like the current world because he doesn’t. The GN Cannon explodes killing Lockon. Celestial Being suffer their first devestating loss leaving Setsuna to scream into the depths of space.