Cardcaptor Sakura - S1: Episode 20
Sakura and the Fighting Exchange Student
When Syaoran enters the room, he’s markedly pale and haggard compared to his usual tough-and-healthy look. When Meiling enters the room, it’s clear that her presence has exhausted him and he is desperate to escape it. Mr. Terada explains that she is from Hong Kong and cousin to Syaoran. Meiling is quick to add that she is actually his fiancee, and obviously believes Sakura wants to take Syaoran away from her. Syaoran asks Meiling why she came, and she answers that she was lonely for him. He explains that he’s not going back until he gets the Clow Cards, but she doesn’t particularly care about that. She reminds him that a fortune-teller in Hong Kong predicted someone else would get them, a reminder that clearly grates on his nerves. It’s only after he makes it clear he won’t return home without the Cards that Meiling decides she will get involved and ‘help’, so that he can collect them faster. Meiling is just as competitive as Syaoran, and indirectly challenges Sakura to a gymnastics competition. It begins a long trend of Meiling forever trying to one-up Sakura at a number of things, though she rarely succeeds. Sakura, however, isn’t interested in competing at all. Meiling meets Sakura and the others at the park, revealing that she knows all about the Clow Cards and intends to participate in the captures. Meiling displays impressive martial artist technique against the Fight Card, demonstrating what skills have been taught to the children of the Li family. Syaoran shows up later, revealing that Meiling went after the Card without his knowledge. We learn Meiling has no magic of her own. Syaoran comes across as extremely protective of Meiling’s safety, probably because she is without magic. He also comes across as condescending.